We are so glad that you’ve come across our web page. Eastview Wesleyan Church exists to “lead the lost to Christ” in everything we say and do. Eastview is known as “THE SECOND CHANCE CHURCH,” and all generations are welcome to walk through our doors. We believe that God is the ultimate judge! It’s our privilege and joy to share how everyone can be found NOT GUILTY in the eyes of God. Real freedom and redemption are only made available in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, who paid the price for man’s sins on the cross.
Salvation is in Christ, and he is the ONLY way we can have a relationship with God the Father (John 3:16). If you’re not following Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then right now is the best time for you to make the most important decision you’ll ever make. God loves YOU! He cares for YOU! He wants YOU! All YOU have to do is confess, ask for forgiveness, turn away from sin, and accept Christ as your personal Lord and you are a Child of God (Romans 10:9).
Eastview’s mission and vision are to see lives changed by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are a Christ-centered church where we want to reach our family members, our co-workers, and our community for Jesus Christ. God is calling you today to follow Christ. If you choose to follow Christ today, please let us know so we can celebrate with you!
God Bless,
The Eastview Team